Toresetsu is a shortening for Toriatsukai Setsumeisho, or instruction manual essentially in Japanese. Toresetsu by CAVE are often highly sought after and came as two-sided plastic sheets. The back contained instructional/install details and the front was a full-color marquee with art. These were official but not sold as part of the original arcade kits. Instead, they were sold at Matsuri events and via Cave's official retail outlets.
I take no credit for these: they were uploaded many moons ago by Muchi Muchi Spork on the Shmups Forum, later shared by rtw and later mirrored by kasaski at both and via Google Drive. Hopefully together we can keep these online and available for years to come.
Note that all of these files are very large: almost all in excess of 100Mb.
File list located here if you prefer.